Double Diamond J


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Diamond UNK
Foaled May 8, 2002
Black tobiano
Triple Registered
  • APHA
  • AIHR
  • APHR
Chief is a well put together stud. Nice straight legs, short back, etc. He has produced 6 foals to date all by live cover, all tobianos except one tovero. All bred by his former owners A Touch Of Klass Paints. He has three more on the way, also by live cover.
He has just been to cleary lake medical center to be phantom trained, they loved working with him. Currently he is available to breed AI cooled or frozen semen.
I have owned him since August of  2004, and I have yet to regret buying him. He is very calm and easy going, but will work at 110% when asked. He has never acted studdish until it was time to breed, once done he went back to his old reliable self, the gelding was more studdish then this guy was. Simply put he is a true gentleman.
2009 Stud Fee $400 plus
$100 booking fee- no booking fee if booked befroe Feb 15th
Chief is a triple registered black tobiano.
APHA (American Paint Horse Association) #668,921
APHR (American Painted Horse Registry) #000001
AIHR (American Indian Horse Registry) #M-4603
LWO negative
Currently offering cooled and frozen semen.

Frozen vs Cooled Semen 

Generally, any time you manipulate semen, the per-cycle pregnancy rate decreases. The rate should be highest for fresh semen, then shipped semen, followed by frozen-thawed semen. This assumes a reproductively healthy mare and stallion. Per-cycle pregnancy rates with frozen-thawed semen are reported to range from 0 to 70%.

Therefore, it is important to do a little homework prior to choosing to use frozen semen. It is important to know the first-cycle pregnancy rate for that stallion's frozen-thawed semen. This information is also important when using shipped-cooled semen. Next one needs to know how the mares were bred to achieve this pregnancy rate. Were the mares bred before, after, or before and after ovulation? Also, were the mares bred with a full dose (and what constitutes a full dose for that particular stallion) or was a dose split in half to allow breeding before and after ovulation? Was the semen deposited in the uterine body or was deep horn insemination used?

In order to achieve the stallion's reported pregnancy rate, you must be able to repeat the breeding management used to obtain those rates.

Mare selection also plays a role in the success or failure of frozen thawed semen. A reproductively healthy mare should always be used when fertilizing with frozen-thawed semen. Older maiden mares should be avoided because the cervix is not able to relax properly in many of these mares. There is an inflammatory response to insemination with frozen-thawed semen. One aspect of an inflammatory response is fluid production by the uterus. If the cervix does not relax properly to allow the fluid to escape, the inflammation increases (as does fluid production and accumulation), and a vicious cycle begins. There is more effort and cost associated with the use of frozen-thawed semen, but this can be decreased if multiple doses of semen are available. In conclusion, success with frozen-thawed semen is stallion- and mare-dependent. If you have a reproductively sound mare and can find a stallion that has good fertility with his frozen-thawed semen, you can be successful. From

Flyby Stallions
(Artificial insemination of the mare with chilled or frozen semen)

Today’s breeding technology provides horse owners more options than were available in the past. Artificial insemination with chilled or frozen semen makes it possible to ship stallion semen all over the world.

 Regardless of the method used, a breeding contract should be arranged, and the mare should have a breeding soundness exam performed prior to breeding.  When the mare comes into estrus, or heat, an ultrasound is performed to determine how close she is to ovulation.  Ultrasonography is used to determine the optimum time for insemination, and hormones can be used to induce ovulation at the appropriate time.  

When breeding with chilled semen, the semen is usually ordered from the stallion owner the day before she is to be bred.  The stallion is collected, and the semen shipped in a specially designed container, either an Equitainer, or one of the less costly disposable containers.  In some instances, the semen may be transported by air, arriving the same day it is ordered.  Once it arrives, the condition of the semen is assessed, and  it is placed within the uterus of the mare using a pipette.  The mare is ultrasounded post-breeding to verify that she has ovulated in a timely manner, and to assess  fluid retention.  Fourteen to sixteen days after ovulation, the mare is ultrasounded to verify pregnancy, and to rule out the presence of twins.

The use of frozen semen to breed mares requires more exact timing of ovulation to insemination.  Conception rates are lower when frozen semen is used, as opposed to chilled semen.  The major advantage of frozen semen use is the ability to store viable semen for prolonged periods of time, thus allowing shipment over great distances, or the use of semen from a stallion which is not currently being used for breeding.  Two protocols are commonly used. In the first, more traditional method, the mare is ultrasounded every eight hours until ovulation, at which time she is inseminated.  This method is very labor intensive.  More recently, a protocol has been introduced in which two inseminations are performed, closely timed in relation to administration of a drug which causes ovulation.  This is less labor intensive, but requires the use of two insemination doses. 

Artificial insemination is a valuable tool in the equine breeding program.  Good communication between stallion and mare managers is essential.  Depending on the situation, some additional diagnostics, drugs or technologies may be necessary, as determined by your veterinarian. For more information, please contact your veterinarian. From

507 527-2818
507 421-0236
13603 540th St
West Concord MN

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